Discover the beautiful and exotic world of orchids
from Barb Schmidt - orchid care Author, Instructor, and American Orchid Society Education Committee Chair and Trustee.
Orchidaceae – An Amazing Family
of Flowering Plants!

While there is still debate among scientists, the consensus seems to be that Orchidaceae arose approximately 112 million years ago. This is during the Late Cretaceous Period which puts orchids with the dinosaurs!
The problem with trying to date flowering plants is that there is generally no evidence available in the fossil record. This is because the soft tissues of these plants decay. Then in 2007, Harvard biologists found fossil evidence of Orchidaceae. These scientists were studying a stingless bee, Proplebeia dominicanna, which had been preserved in amber. When they removed the bee from the amber, they found grains of orchid pollen on its back. Using the age of amber and a process known as a molecular clock, they were able to theorize that Orchidaceae arose as early as the Late Cretaceous Period and began to flourish shortly after the K/T boundary mass extinction.
One of the first subfamilies to branch off about 80 million years ago was Vanilloideae. The Vanillia planifolia orchid, shown in the photo above, is still alive and grown today to produce vanilla extract.
The problem with trying to date flowering plants is that there is generally no evidence available in the fossil record. This is because the soft tissues of these plants decay. Then in 2007, Harvard biologists found fossil evidence of Orchidaceae. These scientists were studying a stingless bee, Proplebeia dominicanna, which had been preserved in amber. When they removed the bee from the amber, they found grains of orchid pollen on its back. Using the age of amber and a process known as a molecular clock, they were able to theorize that Orchidaceae arose as early as the Late Cretaceous Period and began to flourish shortly after the K/T boundary mass extinction.
One of the first subfamilies to branch off about 80 million years ago was Vanilloideae. The Vanillia planifolia orchid, shown in the photo above, is still alive and grown today to produce vanilla extract.
Orchid Care: For the Beginner
Looking for an easy-to-read instructional book on how to care for your orchid? Take a look at my book:
I have been asked by the Taiwan Orchid Growers Association to speak at the 23rd World Orchid Conference occurring in February of 2024 in Tainan, Taiwan. More to come on this as the conference is finalized!
Orchid Care Classes
I regularly teach virtual and in-person orchid classes, as well as speak at local orchid societies and garden clubs throughout the Northeastern United States. Click on the links below to see my current class schedules or email me at [email protected]
American Orchid Society (AOS) Award
I have been a member of the American Orchid Society (AOS) for many years and along the way have had the privilege of writing articles for their Orchids magazine. I finally found my home, however, on their Education Committee four years ago. It was the perfect blending of my two passions: orchids and the education of children. I was very honored when my work on this committee led to not only an unexpected award at the 2021 AOS Spring Member's meeting, but an invitation to become a Trustee for AOS. I am looking forward to the next three years serving on the Board of Trustees for such a truly deserving and forward-thinking organization! The following was posted in the AOS April Orchid-Gram.
Smithsonian Associates Native Orchids Video
I am an instructor for the Smithsonian Associates Studio Arts Program. When everything went virtual in April of 2020, they wanted a way to for their instructors to connect with the students. So, they ask us to create a 2-minute video of our "studio". It just so happened that at that time of the year, my "studio" was starting to come alive. I live in southeastern Pennsylvania and grow native orchids in my backyard. Making my video of my newly emerging native orchids was the perfect choice. I've included it below for everyone to enjoy.
Orchid Care: For the Beginner 2019 Full Color Edition is now being sold at the Longwood Gardens Gift Shop and continues to be sold at the New York Botanical Gardens. I have been working with the Smithsonian to have it sold there sometime in 2022. I offer autographed copies to any botanical gardens or bookstores that would like to carry my book. Contact me at [email protected].
I have also received several emails requesting that I make autographed copies of my book available on this site. Currently, my books are available online at a cost of $18.95 through Barnes and Noble and Amazon. You will be able to purchase autographed copies of Orchid Care: For the Beginner 2019 Full Color Edition at a sale price of $17.00 including tax and shipping. I have a limited number of Orchid Care: For the Beginner, the 2016 black and white edition on sale for $10.00 autographed.
Right now, I am able to accept credit card payment through Square. I am also starting off just selling within the United States. The books will be shipped uninsured by United States Postal Service First Class Mail; and I will attempt to ship the books within 2 days of purchase. If you require insurance or Priority Mail, please email me at [email protected], as additional shipping charges will need to be added.
Right now, I am able to accept credit card payment through Square. I am also starting off just selling within the United States. The books will be shipped uninsured by United States Postal Service First Class Mail; and I will attempt to ship the books within 2 days of purchase. If you require insurance or Priority Mail, please email me at [email protected], as additional shipping charges will need to be added.